Commercial Pressure Washing Versus DIY - Kleen Powerwash CALL NOW
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Commercial Pressure Washing Versus DIY

First impressions matter a lot, both in our personal lives and business relationships. Businesses are keenly trying to attract new customers and investments. If you find that you are not making a positive impact on others despite your best efforts, it might not be you but the visual impression given by the building where you run your business.

Commercial Pressure Washing Versus DIY

Saving on cleaning the premises by trying to do it yourself (DIY) rather than using a power pressure cleaner may be counterproductive because it may not give the desired results. Commercial pressure washing will be a better alternative. We will discuss the advantages of using a professional powerwashing company compared to doing it yourself so that you understand them better.

How commercial pressure washers outpace DIY Solutions

If you think you can save money by cleaning a commercial property yourself, think again. A commercial cleaner belongs to a professionally licensed firm that knows how to do things correctly and avoid potential liabilities that could result from damage to life and property. Here are some reasons you should hire a commercial pressure washer rather than do it yourself.

1. They require significantly less effort 

If you want to rent a commercial-grade pressure system, keep in mind that it might not have the same heating capabilities as those used by professional cleaning firms. This protects the user from inadvertently inflicting harm upon themselves, others, or the property that they are cleaning. If you compare the varieties available at local home improvement stores, you will find that they are no match for commercial-grade equipment.

It is, therefore better to hire the services of a professional pressure cleaner firm who have the experience and knowledge to use the equipment safely and properly.

2. They are more versatile

Commercial-grade equipment is designed to operate with versatility in mind. This means that they can be set up and used almost anywhere. If need be, they can even be mounted on an all-terrain vehicle.

3. They are a lot more powerful 

Typical temperatures for residential DIY water pressure systems available from home improvement stores range between 1300 and 2000 PSI (pounds per square inch). Compared to this, the commercial varieties can have temperatures as high as 6000 PSI, which is a great difference. Commercial power washers are available in both gas and electric varieties. DIY residential power washers are generally available to run only on electricity.

4. They are safer 

Safety is a key consideration when it comes to using a residential DIY pressure cleaner compared to a commercial one. In the hands of an inexperienced person, a pressure cleaner can pose a danger to life and property. This is why residential-grade cleaners can be used only with cold water. Even if they use heated water, this will be at a lower temperature and will take some time to reach this temperature. Commercial-grade washers can reach high temperatures within a short time.

5. They are faster 

Using the services of a commercial power cleaning expert can save you time and money. This is because no time is wasted figuring out how to set up the equipment, how to use it properly and safely, etc. Professionals get the job done without hesitation and also know how to do it exactly right.

6. They are a lot more effective

Due to their power and versatility, commercial-grade equipment is very much preferred to do a good job. They can be trusted in the hands of a professional cleaner who operates them under a variety of conditions every day. A rented power cleaner can never be as effective as those used by professional cleaning firms. Commercial varieties can use both hot and cold water, can heat water in as little as 20 seconds and operators can also use them in conjunction with chemical cleaners if it is necessary to clean the premises. These users are trained in the use of these materials and know how to dispose of them safely to avoid the liability of environmental pollution.

7. They can be cheaper 

You and your staff will be protected from potential damages if you take the wiser step of hiring a seasoned professional rather than doing it yourself. Operating on commercial property without a license or insurance protection can expose you to a lot of possible difficulties. If anything bad happens, you will have to repair the damages yourself.

Hiring the services of a professional power-washing firm for cleaning commercial property will be cheaper in the long run. They know just what to do, so they save you time and money. The chances of property damage are also reduced. Even if they do cause any damage, the losses will be covered by their insurance provider, so you are free of liability.

Kleen Powerwash at your Service

Kleen Powerwash services are available in many cities and areas across New Jersey. The commercial services provided by us cover all kinds of commercial properties, including schools and municipal buildings, hospitals and care centers, parks, and other recreational areas. All these different commercial properties can have their own requirements and cleaning protocols, which have to be met.

Commercial Pressure Washing Versus DIY

The height and design of commercial buildings can pose additional dangers that cannot be safely handled by janitorial staff. Even window cleaning at a height can be extremely difficult. So it is best to entrust these tasks to a professional power cleaning firm with the proper expertise. Cleaning parks and parking facilities is also a task given to us because people and institutions trust us to do a great job.

We have looked at why it is much better to give the task of power cleaning the exterior of commercial buildings and properties to professional firms rather than try to do it as a DIY project. Professional firms have better equipment, get high-quality results, have experienced workers, are cost-effective in the long run, and are insured to cover liabilities. Trying to do the work yourself may cause damage and injury to yourself and others. You may spend too much time on the project and not do a good job.

So if you want to save yourself time and make sure the job is done right, then you should consider Kleen Powerwash for the job. Call today to make your home look as good as new while saving yourself the effort.